Ed. note: The post below is a transcription of Post Carbon Fellow Stephanie Mills’ remarks at the 50 year anniversary of the publication of the Whole Earth Catalog. Gratitude to Mother Earth, ground of being. Gratitude to Stewart and...
The Community Resilience Reader combines a fresh look at the challenges humanity faces in the 21st century, the essential tools of resilience science, and the wisdom of activists, scholars, and analysts working with community issues on the ground.
Post Carbon Fellows Bill McKibben, Stephanie Mills and Bill Ryerson are among the collabatory topic leaders at Convene – Collaborate – Act a fusion of “collaboration” and “laboratory”. A collaboratory is an open creative process where a group of people...
Post Carbon Fellow Stephanie Mills presents at the Techno-Utopianism & the Fate of the Earth Teach In hosted by the International Forum on Globalization.
Chris Bedfords new 37 minutes film tells the story of the E.F. Schumacher Societys remarkable work that includes founding of the nations first CSA, economic development based on Community Land Trusts, and the creation of the nations most successful...
Outside In with Michael Shuman and Stephanie Mills from Robert Russell on Vimeo. Stephanie Mills returns with another of her colleagues from the Post Carbon Institute, Michael Shuman. Shuman is author of a number of books on developing local...
As it has grown in numbers and technological might, the human race has become a force of geophysical proportion, on par with the asteroid that struck the Yucatan during the Cretaceous era, dethroning Tyrannosaurus rex. Extinction is final. Yet...
How do population, water, energy, food, and climate issues impact one another? What can we do to address one problem without making the others worse? The Post Carbon Reader features essays by some of the world’s most provocative thinkers...