April 15, 2020
In the last episode Asher, Rob, and Jason discussed the danger of political denial and delusion limiting how well we respond to the climate crisis. This week we address the risk that another “d”–distraction–will keep us from recognizing the huge threats and opportunities the pandemic presents for our energy future. The lads also take a few minutes to pat themselves on the back (virtually, of course) for how much recent episodes, though recorded before the %@#*$^ virus hit, apply to our new pandemic reality, before exploring some absurdities of social distancing in Quarantine Corner.
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Show Notes
- Andrew Cuomo’s speech about the irrational handling of ventilator allocation
- The story of signups for an online gardening course
- Update on Sophia Wilansky, one year after being injured in a protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline
- Federal judge’s revocation of the permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline
- Resuming construction on the Keystone XL Pipeline
- Gas prices
- The story of Saudi Arabia, demand for oil, and prices
- Threats to the fracking industry
- The Next System Project’s case for nationalizing the fossil fuel industry
- The case for saving fuel for the farm