In 2015, rising global average atmospheric and ocean temperatures exceeded all records. In the face of this unrelenting global warming, the Conference of Parties in Paris arrived almost unanimously at historic new goals for controlling greenhouse gases. California adopted a new goal to reach 50% renewable electricity generation by 2030. With the EPA Clean Power Plan, the United States set its first ever greenhouse gas standards for the power sector. Are these goals bold enough? What are the obstacles to renewable energy generation and elimination of fossil fuels? What collateral improvements are needed in the transportation, infrastructure, construction, food and agriculture sectors? This panel will start with the science, cover the efficacy and shortfalls of current policy goals in mitigating warming, and discuss how to achieve a clean energy future by rethinking not just our energy resources but how also how we fundamentally use energy.
Post Carbon Senior Fellow Richard Heinberg will be a speaker at this event looking at how we can reach a clean energy future using renewable energy sources.