Home > Upcoming Events > Conferences > VECAN’s 8th Annual Community Energy And Climate Action Conference

Post Carbon Senior Fellow Richard Heinberg will be the keynote speaker at this inspiring conference emphasizing clean energy and climate action strategies that Vermonters can help implement locally — and beyond.

The day is aimed at inspiring, supporting and growing the statewide network of town energy committees and building the capacity and expertise of any Vermonter interested in helping the state meet its ambitious but essential goal of getting 90 percent of our energy in 2050 with renewable energy.

There will be a wide range of timely workshops focused on the programs and projects that Vermonters can embrace to help people and communities implement innovative efficiency, transportation and renewable energy solutions. Sessions will also focus on building the capacity of grassroots leaders… and building the kind of broad, diverse public support for needed energy and climate action. This year, there will be a particular focus on tackling the urgency of climate change by turning this challenge into economic opportunity.


Posted October 27, 2015

Renewables image via shutterstock. Reproduced at Resilience.org with permission.

Published October 27, 2015