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Shale Bubble report series

David Hughes

The fifteen-report "Shale Bubble" report series by J. David Hughes critically assessed the viability of the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) tight oil and shale gas forecasts in its Annual Energy Outlook reports, from 2015 to 2021.

Shale Reality Check 2021

David Hughes

Fracking has boosted U.S. oil and gas production—but how long can it deliver? This assessment of U.S. government forecasts for tight oil and shale gas production finds them extremely optimistic and unlikely to be realized.


David Hughes quoted in The Tyee

David Hughes

PCI Fellow David Hughes was mentioned and quoted in an article by The Tyee. From the article: These national assumptions, repeated daily by politicians and the media like some weird liturgy, give David Hughes, Canada’s foremost energy analyst, a...

A Target of Alberta’s ‘War Room’ Fires Back

David Hughes

[Editor’s note: Last year Alberta Premier Jason Kenney established a $30-million-per-year, publicly funded “war room” to promote the oil and gas industry and slam those who don’t. Hired to run it was Tom Olsen, a veteran right-wing politico and losing candidate...


Hughes report analyzed by The Tyee

David Hughes

Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes’ report analyzed by The Tyee. From the article: David Hughes, one of the nation’s foremost energy analysts, has a simple message for the governments of British Columbia and Canada when it comes to advocating for...