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The Peak Oil Crisis (Dec. 31, 2014)

Tom Whipple

I know that it is getting harder all the time to believe that there really is a “peak oil crisis” lurking out there waiting to engulf our civilization and create all sorts of havoc. Nearly every day now oil...

The Peak Oil Crisis: A Reality Check

Tom Whipple

For the last four or five years, we have been bombarded with a stream of stories about the “shale revolution.” Horizontal drilling and fracking, mostly in the U.S., were said to have released oceans of new oil and a...

The Peak Oil Crisis: It‘s All Around Us

Tom Whipple

Ten years ago peak oil was assumed to be a rather straightforward, transparent process. What was then thought of as “oil” production was going to stop growing around the middle of the last decade. Shortages were going to occur;...

The Peak Oil Crisis: When?

Tom Whipple

For those following the world oil production situation, it has been clear for some time that the only factor keeping global crude output from moving lower is the continuing increase in U.S. shale oil production, mostly from Texas and...

The Peak Oil Crisis: A Winter Update

Tom Whipple

As the years go by, those studying peak oil are beginning to develop a better understanding of what has been happening since the concept of limits to oil production came to widespread attention. First of all, it is important...