Drilling Deeper report reviewed at Dissident Voice
November 9, 2014
Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes’ report for PCI Drilling Deeper: A Reality Check on US Government Forecasts For a Lasting Tight Oil and Shale Gas Boom was reviewed by Christopher Fisher at Dissident Voice.
From the article:
We would do well to pause, and ponder both the data and implications presented in the Post Carbon Institute’s latest report, released a few days before Halloween, “Drilling Deeper: A Reality Check On U.S. Government Forecasts for a Lasting Tight Oil & Shale Gas Boom”.
The PCI’s new report exposes current oil industry & Energy Department oil production forecasts as wildly exaggerated. Further, it makes a compelling case that production of “U.S. shale gas and tight oil reserves will peak and drop off swiftly, long before officially predicted by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.”