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Heinberg and Orsi in Minneapolis Star Tribune article on sharing

January 28, 2019

Post Carbon Fellows Richard Heinberg and Janelle Orsi are cited in this Q&A article with Leslie MacKenzie, a co-founder of Transition Longfellow.

From the article:

Q: You blogged that, in 2010, you heard a talk by Richard Heinberg of the Post Carbon Institute. You wrote that his talk shook you to your core. How so?

A: We’d certainly heard about climate change but he really brought the reality of that home for us, which I think still very few people understand. We talk about climate change in a very abstract way; he talked about, in concrete terms, what was really going to happen. He also talked about the connections we don’t usually hear about: how our waste stream and food and economic systems contribute to climate change. And he gave us a lot of examples of how to contribute to solutions. Sharing is one of those solutions.