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Heinberg quoted in Macleans magazine article on synthetic fuels

September 21, 2018

Post Carbon Senior Fellow Richard Heinberg was quoted in this article on the potential for ‘carbon neutral’ synthetic fuels.

From the article:

Not everyone is giddy about Carbon Engineering’s plans. Carbon-reduction purists, who for years have tried to use moral suasion to convince countries and individuals to reduce their carbon footprints, worry an advancement in fuel production could raise false hopes and cause a backslide. “On a small scale, it’s a technology that could help at the margins,” says Richard Heinberg, senior fellow at the Post Carbon Institute in California. “But it’s not a technology that’s scalable—it’s so energy-intensive.” To operate on a large scale, the air-to-fuel process requires vast supplies of clean energy, solar or wind. As society decreases its reliance on fossil fuels, there will be competing demands for every joule. Still, Heinberg says he admires the efforts of company founder David Keith, a former University of Calgary physics professor who is now at Harvard University: “They’re good people and they’re doing good work.”