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Hughes Brings the Facts and Figures on Canadian Energy

May 1, 2018

Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes provides DeSmog Canada with facts and figures to demystify what’s happening in the energy industry. The article distills Hughes’s report, “Canada’s Energy Outlook,” into ten noteworthy facts. One of the facts is that there’s an incredible amount of hydro power in Canada. Another fact tempers the optimism: “But we kind of suck at non-hydro renewables.”

From the article:

Every day, we’re assailed with dozens of facts and figures about energy issues in Canada: how many jobs or royalties will come from a new pipeline, the annual growth rate of renewables, our per-person energy consumption.

But it’s often tricky to decipher truth from fiction.

That’s where the new 176-page encyclopedic report by veteran earth scientist and expert in coal and unconventional fuels David Hughes is meant to come in.

“Hopefully what it does is it provides the foundation of facts,” Hughes said in an interview with DeSmog Canada. “There’s a lot of rhetoric when it comes to energy. I wanted to make that quantitative so we actually had that bottom line of facts, rather than conjecture. I’m not trying to be prescriptive. I don’t have a magic answer. But I think we need to start with the facts.”