Hughes quoted in article on Bakken oil production strains
September 26, 2018
Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes’ PCI Shale Reality Check report was quoted in this article at Oilprice.com asking whether the Bakken is showing strains.
From the article:
READ FULL ARTICLEThe conclusions mirror those of David Hughes of the Post Carbon Institute, who has repeatedly warned that the EIA and mainstream energy forecasters are overestimating how much oil and gas can ultimately be produced from U.S. shale. In a February 2018 report entitled “Shale Reality Check,” Hughes said that the major shale plays won’t live up to the aggressive forecasts. “EIA projections of production through 2050 at the play level are highly to extremely optimistic, and are therefore very unlikely to be realized,” Hughes concluded. He cited flat-lining in productivity improvements, well interference and dwindling number of sweet spots available as key reasons why production levels will likely disappoint.