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Ryerson quoted in Truthout

Bill Ryerson

Post Carbon Fellow Bill Ryerson was quoted in this article on threats to agriculture. From the article: William Ryerson, founder and president of the Population Media Center and Chair and CEO of the Population Institute, is also very concerned...

OVERdevelopment, OVERpopulation, OVERshoot

Bill Ryerson

“Even as a waste disposal site, the world is finite.” —William R. Catton Jr. Post Carbon Fellow Bill Ryerson’s introduction to the new book OVERdevelopment, OVERpopulation, OVERshoot. MOST CONVERSATIONS ABOUT POPULATION begin with statistics—demographic data, fertility rates in this or that...

Unchecked Growth Is a Path to Poverty

Bill Ryerson

Endless growth is not possible because of constraints of renewable resources like fresh water, clean air and biodiversity. Also, much of our industrial system depends on nonrenewable resources like oil and various metals and minerals, which are being depleted...