Post Carbon Fellow Bill Ryerson’s work with Population Media Center was featured in this article in the Shelburne News. From the article: Ryerson often gets letters from people who have been inspired by the shows. He was touched by...
World population passed the 7.5 billion mark in the Spring of 2017, and it could rise to 11 billion by the turn of the century. If we keep adding over 200,000 to the population every day as we do...
Post Carbon Fellows Bill McKibben, Stephanie Mills and Bill Ryerson are among the collabatory topic leaders at Convene – Collaborate – Act a fusion of “collaboration” and “laboratory”. A collaboratory is an open creative process where a group of people...
Post Carbon Fellow Bill Ryerson was quoted in this article on threats to agriculture. From the article: William Ryerson, founder and president of the Population Media Center and Chair and CEO of the Population Institute, is also very concerned...
Post Carbon Fellow Bill Ryerson was quoted in this article about population growth and the new book Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot. From the article: When it comes to the long-debated issue of overpopulation, lack of understanding and not of knowledge...
“Even as a waste disposal site, the world is finite.” —William R. Catton Jr. Post Carbon Fellow Bill Ryerson’s introduction to the new book OVERdevelopment, OVERpopulation, OVERshoot. MOST CONVERSATIONS ABOUT POPULATION begin with statistics—demographic data, fertility rates in this or that...
Endless growth is not possible because of constraints of renewable resources like fresh water, clean air and biodiversity. Also, much of our industrial system depends on nonrenewable resources like oil and various metals and minerals, which are being depleted...
Originally posted at PeakProsperity At the heart of the resource depletion story that we track here at is the number of people on earth competing for those resources. The global population is more than 7 billion now and...
How do population, water, energy, food, and climate issues impact one another? What can we do to address one problem without making the others worse? The Post Carbon Reader features essays by some of the world’s most provocative thinkers...