Bakken Reality Check
October 7, 2015
The Bakken Play, located in North Dakota and Montana, is the birthplace of tight (shale) oil and in many ways the poster child of the so-called “shale revolution.” The EIA forecasts production growth to continue and has even raised its production projection for 2015—despite thousands of wells having already been drilled in the most productive areas of the play, and the steep decline in oil prices in 2014.
In Bakken Reality Check: The Nation’s Number Two Tight Oil Play After a Year of Low Oil Prices, David Hughes—author of Drilling Deeper (which likely remains the most thorough independent analysis of U.S. shale gas and tight oil production ever conducted) and a number of other reports on North American shale gas and tight oil production—looks at how production in the Bakken has changed after a year of low oil prices.